Saturday, August 4, 2007

22 June 2005

It's the start of a new life for him..

new friends, new school, life he had never experience before..

yet he still remembers what happen then..

but today will be another special day for him. for she had promised to look for him to see how the new life is like..

again he waited patiently for her arrival..

she look different from before. yet her charming smile was never missing.

he started showing her the new environment he will be for the next 3 years..

but the meeting was brought to a sudden end..

she had an appointment with her other friends who like him is having a new lease of life..

he asked if she enjoyed the day..

haha it was fun..

did she?

his senses seem to think otherwise..

yet in his wallet now contain a heart-shaped gift made from her..

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